Sunday, June 29, 2008

We are all God's children

I was given a timely reminder last week by the Director of our Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate that June was indeed the first Gypsy Roma Traveller History month.
I was informed it was a time to celebrate their history,culture,and their addition to the rich tapestry of Britain's diversity.This declaration further extolled that 'through such celebrations and events we can all develop a better understanding of different communities which enables us to improve our service across London'

There is even a website

The METS Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate is a shaker and mover in our new vision for London so I shall say no more...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Whats in a name.

I tagged along to a series of talks by specialist departments recently.
Fairly informative stuff if a little repetitive. One thing that started to jar was the use of the word 'Responders' in the talks. I wondered if it was just one speaker but a number used it.I realised that they were using the word Responder instead of the usual Emergency services.For a number of separate speakers to come up with the same term,I can only assume this is the latest 'buzz word management speak' from those in the clouds.

So why are we now 'Responders' and not 'Emergency services'.

Is the word 'Emergency' now deemed by those above to be too alarmist to the public. To suggest there are Emergencies going on might suggest the Authorities are not in control.
We would now appear to 'respond' to....situations 'requiring immediate action'.
I am sure this change will assist in easing the fears of those dialling 999.

'I need 'Responders' here now!'

Or is it that the term 'Emergency services' are just not 'inclusive' enough. Sadly I am too old fashioned to assume there are more than 4 Emergency services, Police, Fire ,Ambulance and Coastguard.

However thinking this through,it is obviously clear that at a scene others do arrive and assist.It could be the Support services putting in barriers,tents,lighting,vehicle removal or even the staff from the Borough who turn up and hose down the 'blood and gore' afterwards.
Has someone somewhere said these efforts are not being recognised and they are indeed 'Responders' as well.

These sort of Buzz words tend to take hold in other area of Government life.
Say if the NHS takes its lead from the Home Office.
Accident and Emergency may have to be renamed 'Unfortunate harmful event and condition in need in immediate treatment' Department.

Salad days for sign writers.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Lets hear it one more time Petronious...

This is by far the longest break in posts I have has since I started this blog.
I mean I usually get at least one in a month! However things at work coupled with the Internet connection going down and my old faithful Packard Bell giving up the ghost means I am way behind in occasional ramblings.

As indicated in my previous post things at work are not at their best. There have been further tinkerings and changes and essentially all this micromanagement means there are less people doing about twice the workload. Not too sure were efficiency comes into that but as the wise man said 'the droppings of the Gods shall always fall amongst the common people' or something like that.

All these changes remind me of the old favourite Petronious Arbiter, who's quote has adorned many an office and parade room over the years and has been mentioned on other blogs....

'We trained hard but it seemed every time we were beginning to form into teams we would be reorganised. I was to learn later in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganising and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency and demoralisation'

Petronious apparently did exist and was around at the time of Nero.
The quote is probably considered to be a 70's creation and Petronius was given the cred for it.

Wise words nonetheless.

I prefer to think it was Petronious.I have this image of a couple of old grumpy centurions sitting around the table with a jug of wine grumbling about how the 'Legions f****d'

Ultimately nothing changes over the centuries once you get new management involved,things just go around and around.