Monday, February 18, 2008

Advice? Not me.

I've been a bit pre-occupied at work recently.

The file it 'W for Weary' side of my desk is getting a bit top heavy.I need a few A for 'Actually a decent job'files to balance the other side of the desk but they have been a bit thin on the ground of late.

The capacity for apparently intelligent,educated people to part with their hard earned cash to a con merchant still makes me shake my head despondently

I sat in a side room the other day with a victim of crime.We had an array of E-mails and assorted correspondence on the desk between us.
I looked up and said 'In all honesty I have to say you have been quite naive in this'
The man who was a self employed business consultant positively bridled at the suggestion.
He'd have bridled even more if I had been brutally honest and said 'Listen boss,lets face it you have been plain f****ng stupid and they saw you coming'

Anyway musn't grumble, there is always something to bring a smile to your face in this job.

I was in the locker room a few days ago getting ready for the earlies and I heard the door being opened and the sounds of someone in a rush. There was the rattle of a locker door being shook and the sounds of muttered swearing.
A face appeared around the corner and said 'Have you got a key,any small key?.
I had a search in my locker and came up with a couple of old keys on a ring.
'Thanks' he said.
A quick jiggle later and the lock and hasp were open.He grabbed what he was after and closed it again. He handed the keys back to me.
'Not much of a lock that' I said.
He stood and looked at it for a few seconds and said 'Yeah.. keep on meaning to get it changed..' Then he was off, out of the door.

What made me chuckle for the rest of the shift was that he is one of our Crime prevention officers.


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