Saturday, November 18, 2006

If seen please call...

There would appear to be some controversy over the Child Exploitation and Online Protection centre (CEOP) publishing images of a group of individuals who have failed to comply with supervision under the Sex Offenders Register.
Their crimes were such that on their release they were placed on the Register. It would appear that those who are tasked to supervise them cant find them. They are obliged for instance to inform police within a set time of any changes of whereabouts,change of address etc..

CEOP have released the images on the web to try and track them down.

According to the news an ACPO spokesperson has said that "..our concern is that this could drive sex offenders away from supervision and into hiding.... "

Mmmm.. I thought that this is what they had already done (without prompting) and that's why CEOP were trying to locate them.

NACRO ( National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders ) seem to think the actions of CEOP to be reasonable in the circumstances.

Apparently a spokesperson from the Probation Union stated that this could lead to 'vigilante action'.

There have been instances of 'vigilante action' in the past around this subject, but they are rare.

However those who do end up leading the 'baying mob' to an address on the whiff of a rumour tend to be illiterates with too much time (and booze) in/on their hands.

So until this issue blows over ( day or two) it might be worthwhile that those involved in paediatrics, pedicurists, pedalo hire firm owners and pedometer stockists take a peek out of the front window nets now and again.


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