Led forwards or fed nonsense
I have diligently attended ( along with a large chunk of Met staff) the Leading for London Seminars. I believe Parliament describe similar attendance to these as a 'three line whip'
The problem I have is that if the leadership doesn't know what a leader then that IS the issue.
You can name change....for example
SMT ( Senior Management Team) to SLT ( Senior Leadership Team )
ACPO ( Association of Chief Police Officers ) to NPCC (National Police Chiefs Council )
The change of name means nothing. Same jockeys on the same horse on the same course.
Another problem is that I simply dont feel LED anywhere. I just feel MANAGED.
One of the most bizarre discussions in the seminar was around the question of retention. How can we keep people in the job and how can we attract staff?
I think it was 10 options to discuss but not one addressed the issues of pay and conditions.
My perception is that there is a view amongst senior SLT in that the nobility of Public Service is enough in itself. At the customer facing end I would say that in our world getting through the shift and having enough to pay the bills at the end of the month is the driving factor.
Leadership also means being around to 'lead'. Out and about, available to advise and be hands on.
The knock on effect, in part, of the cuts is that they seem aimed at the 'engine room' of Borough policing heading towards a cull of sgts and inspector posts.Their work load has increased dramatically in recent years as 'back room' such as HR and duties admin fall on the front line supervisors.
I think the disconnect between the troops and management is best reflected in the indifference to anything that comes down from above.
The MET staff survey this year was hailed a success. I think it managed 56% response and that was after a concerted set of E mails from management exhorting us to complete it. It was hailed a 'success' as it had doubled the response from the last one.
Bottom line is that despite this 'success' the best part of half the workforce consider it a waste of their time.
I have met some great 'leaders' in my time in the MET.Ones you could follow to the gates of Hell.
Frankly things are so bland these days I wouldnt feel enthusiastic with large chunks of SLT in following them around a car park at Sainsburys.
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